I grapple with boundaries all the time, as I juggle between setting up a new Naturopathic practice, my family and my ‘day job’ – all of which are close to my heart.
After finishing uni last year, during which boundaries didn’t exist, I am having to set up a whole new paradigm and as Michelle says, it’s a challenge!
Using Michelle’s Website T&Cs and Privacy Policy self-drafting templates to develop these policies in the last couple of months has been an important part of this learning experience.
The combination of her clear instructions, both in the DIY packs and during our online sessions, not only helped me to feel confident about writing them myself but also empowered me to set my business boundaries.
If I had just left that job to someone else, I possibly wouldn’t have thought so carefully about how I want my business to run. It was absolutely worth the investment of my time and the very reasonable financial investment