Castle Quest – Payment plan

$363.00 inc GST / Month For 10 Months

Hi! I am so excited that you are choosing to join us in Castle Quest.

This is the PAYMENT PLAN option that gives you the convenience of paying by instalments.

Total cost is AU$3630 inc GST.

Pay monthly instalments of $363 / month for 10 months.

You have designed your business to last a lifetime and leave a legacy of positive change. You have poured your heart and soul into getting this dream off the ground, and you are more than ready for it to expand to the next level, but for some reason you are stuck on a plateau of resistance that you just can’t shift.

The problem is not lack of skill or dedication – it is the inherent insecurity that comes from ignoring all of those niggling little issues that you never have time to deal with, all of those scary what-if’s all of those potential problems that go straight in the too-hard basket for you to think about some other day, but that day never comes because seriously?

Who wants to crawl through caves & deal with dragons when there is a castle to create?

Hang on there… DRAGONS??? CASTLES??? Where did they come from?

The answer is Castle Quest!

Good governance and risk management are essential skills for every business that intends to survive and thrive for the long term, but I am the first to admit that the traditional corporate methods are less exciting than cleaning my toe nails. That’s why I created Castle Quest – The Serenity Shift.

My aim in offering Castle Quest is to make it as engaging and entertaining as it is practical and productive. The truth is, I don’t want to be bored delivering this work any more than I want you to suffer through the tedium of being tangled up in red tape.

I have taken the best principles of business practice that I can find and reverse engineered them into a holistic, creative, highly relevant process that incorporates all of your integrity, imagination and intuitive wisdom. I draw on all of my experience as a lawyer, mediator, problem-solver, and mentor to hold space for you and guide you as you identify and resolve the difficult issues you never find time to deal with, so that you can fulfil your potential as the sovereign business leader you were meant to be.

Using the language of fantasy and poetic imagery removes the threat from topics that can otherwise be highly sensitive and difficult to discuss. Metaphor is proven to be an extremely powerful method for accessing your inner wisdom and for transforming complex concepts into common sense that stay in your mind.

I use imagination and metaphor to soothe your subconscious and make complex concepts easy and fun to deal with, but it is NOT all mindset work – you will be taking the practical, pragmatic steps necessary to clear away all of those fears and dangers you have been avoiding, build your confidence in the safety of your business and trust yourself to be ready for anything.

In the process, we are actively calming your business nervous system, improving your decision-making skills and preparing you to build your business to its full potential.

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