The Serenity Connective
Practical, intuitive support to run your business, your way.
The Serenity Connective is a mastermind membership for intelligent, eloquent business owners who love diving deep into best practice. Embrace your commitment to leadership and integrity by exploring exactly what it means to walk in the light and take radical responsibility for the conduct of your business.
If you are craving a space to share deep, insightful conversations, intuitive wisdom, laughter and companionship with like-minded loving business owners, consider giving yourself and your business the gift of membership. This is a safe space to be completely your authentic self, to rumble with vulnerability, to more fully activate & embody your integrity as leader & change maker. We WILL support you to stop playing small.
If this sounds like you, come play with us. Satisfaction guaranteed.
This mastermind membership is especially for you if:
The Serenity Connective has been a wonderful opportunity to delve deeper into all things that make me me, providing opportunities to delve deeper into self and better understand how I want my life and business to work together.

Susanna Chung
Susanna Chung Photography
Having Michelle’s warm and caring support to bounce ideas, concerns and legalities off has given me the confidence to expand in so many ways. I no longer feel like I have to figure it all out on my own, which as a solo business, is priceless.

Sophie Duncan
Aaoka Dai
Joining the Serenity Connective has been a great business investment for me – both in terms of money and time. It’s packed full of strategy and systems learnings, monthly theme topics, discussion calls, and coworking sessions.

Alice Bulmer
Alice Bulmer Words & Music
Building a business that stands out from the crowd can be a lonely experience.
Are you looking for like-minded business owners who fully understand what it means to
walk in the light without being scared of the shadows?
Join the Serenity Connective today
All prices in Australian dollars, inclusive of GST.
See below for money-back guarantee.
Want to do your due diligence before you commit? I love you!
Before you buy, you must have read and understood the Membership Agreement.
It contains important information to help you get the most out of The Serenity Connective.
Monthly Mission
Experience a single mission at a time.
4 extra hours 1:1 with me.
Sign up for all 12 missions & save.
Each month there is
a new Mission to get curious about an essential aspect of being in business
A recorded deep dive Mission Briefing
A 60 minute recorded Curiosity Call to discuss the Mission
Several 30 minute Challenge Check-In calls for support with problem solving
Daily prompts in the Facebook group to make the Mission your own
LOTS of co-working opportunities for practical accountability
Call times are open to negotiation based on the needs of community members & further call times may be added.
Here are our 12 Monthly Missions:
Embracing Adventure.
(What is your big picture for this great business journey?)
Eternal Vigilance.
(Checking in with your intellectual property assets & brand identity.)
Reputation Rules.
(Taking responsibility for how you present & protect your business.)
Push & Shove.
(How good are your boundaries? Where are they being tested?)
Sorry, Not Sorry.
(How to apologise with integrity and when to stand your ground.)
No Means No
(How to define your limits and clearly communicate them.)
Dragon Taming
(Dealing with lurking anxieties & hidden dangers threatening your business.)
Never-ending Stories
(Clearing out your list of important things that never get done.)
Fight Fire With Fire
(Inspiration for the hot spots that need a cathartic cleanse.)
Simply the Best
(Embodying your own version of best practice in your business.)
Contemplative Calm
(Reflecting on our practice and our alignment with our mission.)
Together We Rise
(Understanding conflict and improving communication skills.)
Challenge Check-in Calls
Let's face it, stuff happens. Sometimes you need someone to hold space for you while you vent, and to remind you that life goes on and this too will pass. Other times you need advice from those who have a different perspective from yours. That is what the regular Challenge Check-in calls are for. It's kind of like having a supportive lawyer and a bunch of awesome, non-judgmental colleagues in your back pocket that you can call on for a reality check, advice, assistance and understanding. No more feeling alone in your business. The Serenity Connective has got your back. We will help you gather the courage to change the things you can change, the patience to bear the things that you can't and when you need us to, we will share our wisdom to help you remember there is a difference.
Co-working Calls
We all have times when we struggle to stay on track, when procrastination destroys our productivity and when no matter how much we might want to, we just can't seem to knuckle down and just do it. I know that feeling all too well. For a while, I thought my prayers had been answered when I discovered FocusMate, but I soon discovered that while the accountability was great in principle, inviting the random energy of strangers into my workplace was worse than working alone. It just became another thing to avoid. If this is something you struggle with too, I have opened up a number of regular co-working spots throughout the week. Book in whenever you feel the need to have someone familiar in your corner, cheering you on as you power through those tricky tasks. No time wasting - we meet on Zoom, take a few moments to declare what we intend to achieve in the session, then start the pomodoro timer. After 40 minutes of focused co-working, we check in to celebrate how much we got done. Call times may vary depending on my commitments and what else is going on in my business and life, but I guarantee there will be at least 3 calls available per week. I try to make regular sessions available every day, except for Sundays, so you never have an excuse not to get work done!
Private 1:1 Mentoring
I get that there are occasions when you have a problem that you need help with, but you don't want to talk about it in front of the other people, or you can't wait until the next Challenge Check-in Call comes around. That is why I offer the Private Mentoring upgrade. Pay a little more and get credit for 4 hours of my time to be used in 1:1 calls, any time in the 12 months. I give you my special booking links (for 15, 30 & 60 minute calls), and you simply grab my next appointment when you need to talk to me. This is a very cost effective way to have a risk management strategist (who also happens to be a business lawyer) on call at a tiny fraction of my normal hourly rate. I can help you talk through and problem solve any issue that is causing you grief, and if you need an off-the-cuff legal opinion, I can usually provide that too. I have gathered a lot of experience from working in the back end of many people's businesses and trouble-shooting their relationships, as well as building my own business. However, I am not a business coach. While I will help you explore issues, make suggestions, reality test your strategy and ask difficult questions, I will not tell you what to do. That's because 90% of the time, your intuition already knows the answer. You just need to talk through the risks and rewards with someone neutral to get clarity about why you are resisting listening to yourself & restore your calm so you can consider all the options and make conscious, creative choice about your next step. (Note - mentoring isn't professional legal advice - it's a lot more informal, playful and intuitive. If you have an issue that has serious legal ramifications, I will recommend you book a full-price consultation.)
How does membership benefit you & your business?
I joined the Serenity Connective when Michelle launched it because I love her work so much. I wasn’t disappointed. Every month was incredibly helpful to deepen my understanding into reputation, brand, conflict management and of course intellectual property.

Ange de Lumiere
I Can Help You Thrive
Michelle is super warm and kind and I love how the Connective also allows opportunities for you to grow and evolve. It is such a safe place and I’ve come to make new friends as well. Her law background is the icing on the cake.

Susanna Chung
Susanna Chung Photography
Like everything Michelle Whitehead does, the Serenity Connective is playful, personal and empowering, it's a place where I get support and accountability to navigate business from my own way of being and my own unique needs and priorities.

Alice Bulmer
Alice Bulmer Words & Music
You are not alone!
A problem shared is a problem halved. We hold regular brainstorming sessions where we can help you generate and explore options for dealing with any challenging situation in your business. From conflict to confidence, nothing is off-limits. Focusing on your growth as a business owner is so much easier when you much easier when you have a community of connected, switched on colleagues to bounce ideas off and inspire you to go deeper in your understanding. Being the solo owner of an online business can be a lonely experience, but we are here for you! (Private mentoring package also available.)
An adventure of integrity, ethics & alignment
Our monthly missions are anchored in a commitment to solid foundations and best practice, but we don't limit ourselves to talking about business legals and boundaries! We are an intellectually curious, eloquent, esoteric group who delight in wide-ranging discussions and understand the holistic nature of entrepreneurship and running a solo business. We delight in supporting each other to find serenity in all aspects of our lives. Our discussions - even the legal ones - revolve around a common theme of radical responsibility and joyful service.
Taking your business to the next level
The Serenity Connective is intended to attract a high calibre of intelligent, creative business owners who have done the work setting up their business and now they want something more - a next level that goes beyond the basics of marketing and selling to really unpack what best practice means to you and how to integrate your business with every aspect of your being. The reflective nature of the content is designed to assist you in refining how you run your business and to help you identify and remove the obstacles standing between you and your commitment to integrity. This is a membership like no other, providing an opportunity for in-depth exploration of strategic decision-making and encouraging strong foundations.
Keep your legal foundations up-to-date & shiny
Each quarter I offer 2 hour "Update Your Legals" session, where I support business owners to check in with their legals, ensure they are still serving your needs and are in alignment with your current practice. It's an opportunity to pick my brain, get my help with wording, and tighten up your boundaries so your contracts hold space for you to do your best work. Members of the Serenity Connective are entitled to one free Update Your Legals session per quarter (that's 4 x 2 hour sessions per year.)
Please note, this only applies if you have chosen a yearly or an ongoing monthly membership, not if you are just joining us for the occasional monthly mission.
Membership of The Serenity Connective is open to you wherever you are located. It is designed to meet the needs of global owners of online service based businesses. We have had members from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA and England. We will be discussing broad concepts, then encouraging you to focus in closely to see how they apply to your actual business. We always take a holistic approach, knowing that for online entrepreneurs there is often very little separation between life and business. The intention is for you to be easily able to adapt the concepts we discuss to your unique business, no matter where you are located. However, you will need to be fluent in reading, speaking and writing English to get the most from this membership.
If you choose the 1:1 mentoring upgrade, you will have 4 hours of my time to use however you want. Book in for an hour, a half hour or just 15 minutes. I give you the booking links (and send out regular reminders) and you just use the time you need, when you need it. You can use your time for anything - although I am only providing mentoring, not formal legal advice. We can, however, talk about anything that crops up during the year where you need a dose of clarity and calm. You can pick my brain and get my off-the-cuff opinion on just about anything, including legal issues and strategy. I make a great sounding board, love problem solving, am great at designing and tweaking systems and have been known to intuitively channel creative solutions that transform businesses! I am all about co-creating meaning and magic! I love it when people engage and challenge me - it brings out my best insights (there's stuff I don't even know that I know until it comes out in response to a question). My overall intention for my business is to be a channel of peace - and peace requires good strategy and calm, conscious decision making, so that is what I bring to those I work with.
The private Facebook group is the main meeting place for the Serenity Connective. Each of the Missions is presented as guides, so in addition to joining us on the current Mission, you also have access to all the previous Missions. There are daily prompts in the group to inspire you to explore each Mission in greater detail, relating it to your unique business, and identifying ways to grow in integrity and alignment. If you complete all the prompts for a month, I post you a little prize!
We also have #hashtags for introducing new members, asking questions, celebrating business and personal wins, sharing challenges and exploring issues that spark our curiosity.
The group is actively moderated, highly focused and endlessly encouraging.
All members have access to all past content, which is stored in the Facebook group and in a private section of my website. However, you only have access to the content while you are an active member.
Mission Briefings, Mission Prompts and Curiosity Call recordings are all made available in the Facebook group. However, Challenge Check-in calls are not recorded to ensure confidentiality of our discussions. Private mentoring calls will be recorded for my records (and kept completely confidential.) You may also record these calls by request, but they will otherwise be treated with the same level of security as I use for my client notes.
You can spend as much time or as little time as you like - there is no such thing as "behind" - just jump in where you are. However, if you really want to get the most out of actively engaging in the Serenity Connective, you might spend:
- One hour a month watching the Mission Briefing
- One hour a month participating in the Curiosity Call
- 5-30 minutes a day journaling on the Mission prompt
- 30-90 minutes each month participating in Challenge Check-in Calls\
- Unlimited co-working calls to support you in getting your own work done (co-working calls are not intended for discussion, but are extremely useful for providing you with accountability and companionship while you are working on or in your business)
How much time and effort you put into the Serenity Connective is up to you. As with anything worthwhile, the more you engage, the more you will grow. We have a number of members who just turn up for the calls and use the daily prompts for contemplation without sharing their reflections. I personally make the time to share my response to every prompt and complete every mission. What you do is up to you!
I claim ownership of the name The Serenity Connective™ as an unregistered trade mark, wherever it is used, worldwide, in relation to online education and training, business mentorship and consultancy, legal services and risk management.