Below you will find short answers to some of my most frequently asked questions.  If you don't find what you are looking for, you are very welcome to contact me directly. I answer all enquiries personally, and am more than happy to chat to you about your specific questions or business needs.

There are more FAQs about Castle Quest and The Serenity Connective at the bottom of those pages.

I just feel so secure and safe with a very clear set of terms, conditions and expectations, and I know my clients have really loved having this laid out too. Not only does it look professional but we are all very clear about where we stand and what our expectations are of one another!

Zoe Blakeney

Hypnobirthing, Postpartum Doula, Yoga Teacher

I really appreciate Michelle’s unique and thoughtful approach to her work. The thought of creating legals for my business overwhelmed me for so long, but it was actually so easy doing it Michelle’s way. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to my colleagues!

Nina Kingsford-Smith


Michelle makes legals easy. Now I have a clear and concise contract to define the scope and boundaries of a web design project, so that my business and the client both know exactly who is responsible for what, what the process is, and what the time frame is.

Karen Philips

Blossom & Grow SEO