Intellectual Property Strategy Session
Bringing clarity out of confusion, so you can make informed decisions.
If the thought of copyright infringement makes your skin crawl, I offer a strategy consultation service designed to help you map out a strategy for dealing with copyright issues in your business, allowing you to relax in the knowledge that if a problem does arise, you are prepared to deal with it, and that you have done the best you can to avoid treading on anybody else's toes, or having someone else steal your hard work and creativity. Maybe you have been accused of copying someone else's work and you are anxious to find out what your next steps should be. Perhaps your business has grown beyond your capacity and you are considering licensing your IP to others so they can take your work into new markets and locations. You could be considering a new collaborative relationship and want to get clear on how it is going to work and what issues you need to consider. Whatever the issue, we can unpack it, look at it from every angle, discuss the potential legal and practical consequences of different courses of action, and help you decide on your next steps.
$440 AUD including GST for a 60 minute online call.
Here's how an IP Strategy Session can benefit you & your business:
Get comfortable with the concepts
Dealing with copyright issues is a form of risk management. First, you need to acknowledge that the risk exists. That one is easy - if your work is awesome, someone is going to want to copycat it, and if you want to share someone else's impressive work, you need to know how to do it without upsetting them!
Understand the legal issues
Copyright infringement, design protection, defamation, trade marks, trade secrets, licensing, franchising... it goes on! For a business owner - particularly an online business owner - understanding how the ownership of intangible ideas operates and how creative work can be a commodity is vital to your survival and success.
Explore the complexities
Unfortunately, nothing is ever simple, especially in the context of global consumerism. To a large extent, the laws of intellectual property are still based in the world of brick and mortar businesses, so our boundary crossing, international entrepreneurship can create some interesting dilemmas. Don't brush your anxieties under the carpet just because it is complicated - together we will look at what is worrying you, investigate your rights and responsibilities and work out what to do!
Determine your personal approach
Once you understand what is involved, it is important to explore how you feel about the situation. There is a whole continuum of possibilities and where you sit will be unique to you and your gorgeous, individual approach to business. At one end there are those who believe that all information is shared and they are just downloading from a common source, so there is no issue of ownership, and at the other end are those who crouch protectively over their work, stroking it and muttering "my preciousssssssss". Most people are somewhere in between these two extremes. Knowing where you stand, and empathising with the likely feelings of others goes a long way towards avoiding potential problems.
In an hour, I can give you insights into Australian (or US or UK) copyright law and we can work out a safe way for you to use the material that you need, without putting yourself at risk of a copyright infringement claim. This service is also available for those who are panicking about receiving a nasty copyright infringement letter, feel that their work may have been used without their permission, or who want a solid copyright protection policy. I can help you make calm, conscious decisions about how to respond. We can also unpack what IP assets you have in your business, and explore ways that you can be rewarded for giving others a limited right to use those assets, while retaining your ownership. We can talk about trade marks, trade secrets, licensing your IP - whatever you need to know! This call is held online, via Zoom. I will invoice you at the end of our call.
Know you need this?
This strategy session will also be helpful if you are:
I felt relief after my consultation with Michelle. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to articulate my specific concerns, but she asked the right questions to move to the heart of my matter quickly, and consequently was able to offer me very clear and concise advice.

Trina Lucas
Spirit Based Therapies
I found the session very helpful. It validated that I was on the right track and gave me confidence in protecting my business. Thank you!

Amanda Freeman
Mentor & Energy Strategist
I needed someone to guide me through the thinking and decision making for the new Think RAPT certification and licensing program. I am so grateful for Michelle's clear guidance through all the things that needed to be considered. I'm thrilled with the agreement we now have.

Renée Hasseldine
Think RAPT

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