5 month Payment Plan – Level 3 DIY

$99.00 inc GST / Month For 5 Months

I am always happy to accept payment plans and offer you the convenience of spreading your payment over 5 months. If you choose this option, the terms below will apply. Payment plans may be amended by email between us.

The first month’s instalment is due BEFORE I send you your DIY Pack documents. You have 7 days to request a refund (minus any Stripe or PayPal fees). After that, there is no refund for change of mind and you agree to pay the full amount.

IMPORTANT NOTE – If you have any difficulty paying an invoice, CONTACT ME so we can make alternative arrangements. I promise to understand. There is nothing worse than being ghosted and having to beg for payment. If there is a problem, if you need more time or if you are not happy, reach out and tell me so I can be generous and offer a win/win solution.

If you don’t, the administrative fees for overdue payments mentioned below WILL be added to the total you owe, and I will eventually bring in a debt collector – because otherwise I am trampling on my own boundaries, and that’s not fair.

Don’t make me feel mean and nasty by hiding from me! Let me know what is going on for you so we can find a way forward without ruining our relationship. Sound reasonable?

Late payment consequences (because no-one should have to beg to get paid)

If I have not received payment after 14 days from the date of the invoice, I will send you a reminder. I will continue to send weekly reminders after that until payment is received.

After the first reminder, an administrative fee of $27.50 (inc GST) will be added to the total amount due each week for EVERY reminder sent where I have not received a payment. This applies to all invoices, including payment plan instalments. You agree that it is reasonable for this administrative fee to accrue where I must follow up on payments that are 28 days or more overdue. Even if you can’t pay the whole overdue amount, paying something towards it will stop you incurring the administrative fee for that week.

I am happy to be patient and willing to wait so long as we are in communication and making progress. However, if an invoice is more than 90 days overdue, I will bring in a debt collector. You agree to pay any costs I reasonably incur in chasing overdue payments, including administrative fees, debt recovery fees and legal fees.