Asking for Bad Reviews is Very Good Business Practice

March 3, 2023

You may be surprised to hear that negative reviews can actually be good for business! Sure, they might sting at first, but they are also an opportunity to improve and grow. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, confronting customer complaints with resilience provides an opportunity to establish a reputation for responsiveness and demonstrate your deep commitment to providing a positive experience for your clients.

Negative reviews are an opportunity, not a threat

When you ask for feedback and make it clear that you genuinely want to know if a client is unhappy, it shows that you care about their opinion and are committed to providing the best service possible. Negative reviews can help you identify areas where your products or services may be lacking, and give you the chance to make changes that will benefit your business in the long run. Believe me, when a client is unhappy, it is much better for them to tell you directly to your face, rather than talking about you behind your back! (I know because I have tried to help clients tidy up the mess that results when complaints are ignored or swept under the carpet.)

Negative reviews provide valuable insights into where your business may be falling short of your ideals of best practice. Once you know what needs fixing, you can take steps to address these issues. This could be anything from improving your communication with customers, to revamping your product or service offerings, to setting up workflows and systems that stop clients falling through the gaps, to creating contracts that do a better job of managing expectations and communicating your boundaries. By making these changes, you’ll not only be able to satisfy the unhappy customer, you’ll also be ensuring that you provide a better overall experience for all of your customers. Take advantage of negative feedback as a tool for growth, and it will help your business to thrive!

Strange as it may seem, an unhappy customer is a very valuable resource that should never be overlooked. If you block, avoid or hide from feedback that is painful to hear, you risk missing out on an opportunity to convert that unhappy customer into a raving fan by addressing their reasonable needs or clarifying how unreasonable expectations have arisen. In fact, studies show that customers who have had a negative experience but have had their issue resolved quickly and satisfactorily are more likely to become loyal customers than those who never had a negative experience in the first place. By actively seeking out negative feedback and addressing customer concerns, you can turn unhappy clients into happy ones and build a loyal client base that will increase your business success – because those clients not only come back over and over again – they have no hesitation in recommending you to others.

Inviting honest feedback builds trust & transparency

Integrity is a core value that can make or break a business. If integrity is important to you, then you want your commitment to best practice to be more than mere lip service. You want to walk your talk. When you send out your request for a testimonial after having worked with someone, emphasise that you want their feedback to be completely honest, and for them to tell you if they have ANY cause for dissatisfaction with your products or services. In this way, you set the tone for transparent and trustworthy business relationships. When you actively invite clients to let you know if they have any cause for complaint, you are showing that you truly care about their experience and are committed to making things right. This ensures that any testimonials they provide are completely genuine, so other potential customers can safely rely on them. Building trust with your clients by gently insisting on honest feedback is one of the foundation stones to building your reputation as a strong, confident and successful business.

As an online business owner, there are several ways you can turn a customer’s negative experience into a positive one and enhance your credibility with your clients. If a client does provide you with negative feedback, take a moment to work through any initial defensiveness or hurt emotions before you respond. Communicate with them from a place of calm, compassionate professionalism. You can get creative and use your intuition and imagination in offering to fix the situation. A refund is only one possible option. Put yourself in their shoes and think about what else you might do to turn their experience around. Your willingness to listen shows that you value their opinion and are willing to go above and beyond to ensure their satisfaction. Sometimes, clients just want to be heard!

You can also capitalise on their complaint in your content, by sharing positive changes you’ve made in response to client feedback. This could be through your newsletter or social media posts, where you explain how you’ve listened to your clients and implemented a new policy intended to improve the experience of everyone who works with you. By being transparent about your business practices and authentically apologising when you make mistakes, you’re demonstrating your commitment to putting your clients first.

Building a reputation as being trustworthy and transparent in your dealings with clients enhances your overall goodwill as a business owner. You set yourself apart from others in your industry who are less open, friendly and approachable. When you take the time to build strong relationships with your clients, they are more likely to trust you and feel comfortable doing business with you. This can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business, as well as positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

However, it’s essential to remember that you can’t fake your commitment to client care. It really needs to be authentic and grounded solidly in your values and vision for your business. Remember, caring about your clients isn’t just good business practice – it’s simply the right thing to do. By consistently providing excellent customer service and prioritizing the needs and concerns of your clients, you create a reputation that speaks for itself and sets you apart from the crowd. When your clients can tell that you genuinely care about their experience, it builds a foundation of trust that can be difficult for competitors to replicate. 

Demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction

When you prioritize customer satisfaction and demonstrate your commitment to ensuring that every client has an excellent experience with your business, you are building a foundation for long-term success. There are many marketing studies that show it is far more cost-effective to retain existing customers than it is to acquire new ones. By proving to your clients that you value their feedback and are willing to put in an effort to understand and meet their needs as individuals, you are building a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. This not only increases the likelihood of repeat business but also makes them more likely to sing your praises to everyone they meet – allowing your messaging to reach into markets that you might not otherwise have access to. Ultimately, the benefits of prioritising customer satisfaction go far beyond the short-term gain of avoiding conflict.

By demonstrating your commitment to caring about a client’s experience, you are also actively engaging in good risk management. Some business owners have told me that they are hesitant to invite negative reviews for fear of damaging their reputation, but in reality, it’s much better to address any issues upfront than to let them simmer and potentially escalate. Being proactive in dealing with any concerns helps you to prevent negative feedback from spiralling out of control, which can quickly cause damage to your brand and business reputation.

Additionally, when you show that you genuinely care about your customers, they are more likely to meet you halfway and be more amenable to resolving any issues amicably, looking for win-win solutions and reducing the risk of conflict, instead of taking an aggressive, adversarial stance. This approach can save you from dealing with costly refund requests, legal action, or negative gossip. Ultimately, your commitment to customer satisfaction not only builds loyalty, it also helps to keep your business and your reputation safe.

How I can help

Have I convinced you of the importance of building a reputation as a responsive, resilient business by inviting and embracing negative reviews? If you would like to explore your business reputation in more depth and discover even more ways to improve how you present and protect your business, I invite you to consider joining us in the Serenity Connective.

Each March, we spend a whole month dedicated to a mission called “Reputation Rules”. Don’t leave your business reputation to chance. Your reputation is what attracts clients to you. It’s what people believe about you – and everything you say and do – and everything that is said about you – adds or detracts from this belief. In this Serenity Connective mission, you will actively manage your reputation by getting clarity on how you want to be seen, and then aligning everything else to make it happen.

The fun and learning doesn’t end in March, either. Every month has its own mission focused on an essential element of best practice business ownership, and each year we spiral back around to repeat the missions for an ongoing, cumulative commitment to being more confident, more effective and more brilliant in our business ownership. We’d love to have you join us!

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