Sheree Foley – Small Business Consultant

June 11, 2019

Honestly, my biggest concern about sorting my client service agreement was how much work would be involved and how much it would cost. We are all so busy, and taking time out to do something that doesn’t make me revenue always feels like I am not using my time properly. I also just didn’t know where to start, the whole process of having an agreement for clients to sign felt overwhelming. Michelle took away all the hard work and scary unknown parts by guiding me through what, in her extensive experience, were important things to cover when entering into an agreement with new clients. Because of Michelle’s DIY pack, all I had to do was fill in the gaps and she helped tailor it all to my business and the perception I want to be giving. Plus it was affordable which blew me away! 

I had a few clients who I was having issues with, mainly issues around expectations and ways of working together. I realised quickly after my first conversation with Michelle that a Client Services Agreement would help address all of the issues I was having. The agreement is a really simple way to set a professional tone and to cover myself legally. The end result is an agreement that looks so professional and covers off a number of areas for the protection of me and my clients.

Michelle makes covering yourself legally both easy and affordable. If you want someone who is extremely knowledgeable, an experienced business owner and who can connect you with on a personal level then Michelle is your woman!

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